Chiron the Wounded Healer
An Astrological Journey to Finding your Inner Teacher
Chironic astrology is used as part of the intake process for all clients at Third Realm Integration. Some clients wish to incorporate their Chironic archetype in session and activate the essence of the Inner Teacher in a direct way.
Throughout my years of study and practice, I have found that integrating our Chironic wounds creates a transmission of healing in all aspects of our life. Awakening our Inner Healer is a core function of radical self-responsibility and can open doors to new perceptions and opportunities that would otherwise remain unknown. Using the placement of your Chironic archetype in your birth chart helps to make the healing process highly personalized.
Chiron is often referred to as The Wounded Healer, but this archetype is far too complex to simplify it with one thematic description. In fact, Chiron represents our ability to teach and heal ourselves above all else which affects how people heal in our presence also.
Kerényi (1959) defined the wounded healer as the ability to “be at home in the darkness of suffering…find germs of light and recovery” and bring it forward with “enchantment” (Martin, 2010, p. 12). In therapy, Jung believed that only a therapist who possessed profound self-awareness of their psychological wounds (and transformed their wounds with conscious intention) helped patients grow into a more cohesive version of themselves (Koss-Chioino, 2006; Kirmayer, 2003). Nouwen (1972) believed these inherent wounds to be a fundamental part of establishing compassion and subsequent healing.
Whether you are in the healing profession or not, your Chironic wounds possesses deep intelligence about how to heal and where to start. The Third Realm Method incorporates heart-focused techniques to amplify the fullest Chironic potential encoded in your natal chart.
Astrologer and Chiron expert Melanie Reinhart provides a profound perspective on the Chiron planetoid, its mythological story, and the role it plays in people's lives in the above episode of The Astrology Podcast. Watch the video above to learn more about the astrological archetypal pattern of Chiron and the meaningful ways it shows up in our lives. Another Chiron expert, Jessica DiRuzza, offers another seamless explanation of Chiron's relevance in her lecture below.
Melanie Reinhart, Astrologer
"Chiron represents an emerging spirit of philosophical independence, compassion in the face of suffering, and an ongoing process of learning to trust the Inner Teacher or Guide"